Rollback of in-yard work restrictions

Last night (9th April), the Spanish government did not renew the interim restrictions that brought all non-essential work activity in Spain to a halt two weeks ago. As such, limited works are again permitted and are set to resume after the Easter break.

Now permitted, subject to strict guidelines:

Non-essential work inside yards and workshops, by crew and contractors

For clarity, these restrictions remain in force:

No yacht/crew arrivals or departures
Travel remains severely restricted and must be authorised by yachts’ management

As ever, enforcement remains open to interpretation by the individuals making inspections, so it is advisable to check with yard management and enforcement officers before proceeding with any non-safety related works.

Work sanitation guidelines remain in force:
Access to the workplace is prohibited to those individuals tested positive, or symptomatic, or having been in contact with any suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases
Social distancing guidance must be observed
Masks and gloves, at a minimum, must be worn during interaction with outside contractors. Hand sanitiser must be available.

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