Need to clear out this year?

Looking beyond the imminent Mediterranean cruising and charter season, you may need to complete your TA and exit EU waters later this year. Consider doing this by visiting Melilla.

Melilla is part of Spain, but is not in the Customs Territory of the EU (TAU) or the Territory of VAT application (TAIVA). This makes it a useful point in finalising Temporary Admission, as part of the Inward Processing Regime (RPA).

Why not spare yourself the usual ‘cost of doing business’ in Algeria, with the associated inconvenience, and instead enjoy Melilla’s renowned hospitality and professionalism! And, in the event that coronavirus is still a cross-border problem to contend with, you will also avoid the need to quarantine upon your return to Spain.

Oh, and as Melilla is part of the Territory of Application of Special Taxes (TAIIEE), you’ll find it very advantageous for tax-free refuelling and provisioning too!

Contact us for assistance or information.